4 Brake Safety Tips Every Driver Should Know

Brakes are arguably the most important system in your car. Caring for them should be a top priority for every driver — regardless of your level of comfort with DIY car care and repair. Keep reading...

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How Long Do Brake Pads Last? (Plus 5 Tips to Extend Their Lifespan)

It’s February in Cleveland, which means we’re in that in-between period where the average high and low temperatures straddle the line between freeze and thaw. And even though the days are starting to...

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How Often Should I Have My Brakes Replaced (And 5 Signs It’s Time)

Welcome to winter in Cleveland, where the streets are slick, and the snow is thick. You don’t want to wait until you’re sliding through a stop sign to find out your brakes could use some work. 

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How To Tell If My Brake Pads Are Worn Out

You’re driving along, minding your business, when you lightly press on the brake and ease into a left turn. Then you hear it. Squeaaaaal!

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How Often Should You Replace Your Brake Pads?

Your car’s brakes are your first line of defense when it comes to avoiding crashes on the road. In fact, 300,000 car accidents in the U.S. every year are due to brake failure. Keep yourself and...

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Are Cheap Brake Pads Worth It?

Your car’s brakes are the first line of defense against a dangerous situation while driving. In fact, brake failure is responsible for 22% of car accidents in the US each year. That’s why it’s so...

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How to Budget for Car Maintenance

You’re going about your day when you see it: the check engine light. Your heart sinks as you wonder what big repair bill is waiting for you. 

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Why is My Car Shaking? Top 7 Causes You Can't Ignore

Shaking is great for martinis, but not so much for cars.

When cars shake, it oftentimes begins subtly and then continues to get worse. At first, you might not notice it or you might think you can...

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The Best Brake Pads for Performance No One Has Told You About

For many drivers, brake pads are an afterthought. You generally don’t think about them until you need new ones, and then choosing the right brake pads for your vehicle and driving style can be...

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Brake Fluid Flush: Why You Need It and What It Costs

Have you ever heard of a brake fluid flush? What is it? Do you really need one?

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